Your source for Sudbury and area rock and ice climbs
Climb Sudbury
The Climb Sudbury site is not an instructional guide on how to climb but is simply a guide as to where and what has been climbed to our knowledge in the Sudbury area. Inform yourselves on the property ownership that you will be accessing and have the proper permission if required. You climb at your own risk. Climbing has its risks as a sport and should be done with care, caution and with the proper guidance and or experience. No amount of instruction or expertise can eliminate the inherent hazards of climbing rock, or ice.
Contribute to Climb Sudbury!
Climb Sudbury is a volunteer-run project to provide Sudbury's local climbers with the most detailed and current information on all known rock and ice climbs in Sudbury and surrounding areas. As such, it takes time and money to maintain this resource as a living document for Sudbury's ever-evolving climbing scene. If you're a local climber and a regular user of this website, considering donating to Climb Sudbury so we can continue to compile and provide this information for future generations of climbers to enjoy.