Starting from the classic local crags to the newly established ones, the intent of this page is to make the details about these areas available and easily accessible to not only our newly growing community but to all climbing visitors from other areas. From the car to the crag is where we want to take you.
Since the inception of our local climbing gym, ARC, the local climbing body has been growing exponentially and the hunger to get off of the plastic and to get outdoors is infectious and sought after. Beginning on the bolts, transitioning to the trad, and beating your way onto the ice, the information you need to get there will be here on this site.
There is and has been a lot of continual local development in recent years, so we will endeavour to maintain real time updates on newly established routes to keep everyone informed.
Our philosophy is to guide you to the crags and the climbs - where the excitement begins! - and not beta spray you up the route with the exact gear required and precise route descriptions. We want to bring you to the base of the climb and allow you to unfold its uniquenesses, its cruxes, its weaknesses on your own; we want to leave the problem-solving aspect of this amazing sport to each individual.
Life is short! It's a one way ticket to this planet, there is no coming back... so get outdoors, be safe and have a blast.
Climb on.