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The Harvey’s crag is located north of the main strip on the Kingsway and was named understandably by the Harvey’s restaurant that used to be found at the trail entrance, which closed in the summer of 2007. The Enterprise Car Rental business is now located there. Parking for cliff access can be challenging as now the area is all private businesses.


Jump on Google Earth and figure out your fastest approach. Some park at the Tim Hortons across the street from the Enterprise at their own risk and cross the rear Enterprise parking lot, and the trail goes to the crag from there. There is also the neighbourhood, Sunrise Ridge, to the west, where you can park at the end of Kingsview drive and hike from there. Or subsequently, the road next to the McDonald's that goes up to the repeater towers off of the Kingsway is another option.


The top of the cliff can be accessed by an easy 5th class to the left of the cliff or a small walk around to the right side. It’s the shortest of the local crags at about 7m. The rock is interesting to climb on because of its completely unnatural friction, somehow caused by the plumes of smoke and fallout of sulphur dioxide emitted by the smelter back in the day.


​Consider bringing a cordelette for anchors at this crag.



 1  5.9 | Trad

Finger-sized crack to a shelf with a mantle over the lip.


 2  5.11b | 3 bolts

Starting at the base of the right leaning arc, head up to the bolts.


 3  5.10b | 3 bolts


 4  The Apollo Mission | 5.12a | 4 bolts

FFA Max Jacques April 2019


 5  5.12? | Top-rope w/ top anchors

Slab climbing.


 6  Frictionless | 5.10b | 4 bolts

FFA Marco Foladore 2013

Start at the bottom right of the boulder and the boulder is not in. Watch your back if you fall, consider stick-clipping. Once you access the ledge with your feet, transition left to the slab.


 7  Mama Bear | 5.10d | 3 bolts

FFA Marco Foladore 2013

Starts just right of Frictionless with a mandatory sit start off of an obvious shelf. 

Harvey's routes
Harvey's routes

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